Tribes of Midgard game review

Tribes of Midgard

This is a game that is far from immediately appealing. The manufacturer positions the project as a roguelight. But that definition doesn’t quite fit. It is a more classic survival game with elements of a roguelight. The player has a base to defend and protect, improve it with resources.

There is nothing new in this development. The mechanics are found in similar developments. But the style is a bit unusual, although there are some similarities.

In fact, the uniqueness of the game is in the roguelike elements. The first half emphasises getting the resources you need, improving your base and crafting weapons. The second is about destroying enemies and etons, and you have to defend your territories. Saga mode tracks everything just fine.


Generally speaking, you should start by gathering resources and strengthening your base, gathering weapons and attacking the enemy. But it’s important to note that the enemies get stronger over time.

The soundtrack in the game is not the best, but it cannot be called bad. But there are questions to the localization, it feels like the text was simply run through a translator. Errors occur infrequently, sometimes the damage to the enemy is not registered and it leads to the death of a character. And this is unpleasant.

Tribes of Midgard